Irene Lim

icube events_project director irene lim

Irene Lim | Project Director

Irene had been in the MICE industry for over 20 years. Fresh out of her tertiary education from Singapore Polytechnic, she entered the events industry working as a junior staff for a family-owned events agency. Armed with only textbook knowledge, she soon realised that events management is a skill set that is far more than what is described on textbooks and lectures! The 5 years that she spent with the event agency was a turning point for her as she found that she has a real passion for the industry than just doing what her job scope described.

Irene then moved on to bigger events related company like CNET Events, SingEx Exhibition and subsequently Forde Media. As she worked in different companies, she continues to learn new skills and events knowledge while servicing her clients. However, over the years, as she was climbing up the corporate ladder, she still felt that something was lacking. Though she was able to provide the service that the client asked for, she was not able to give more value to the clients as her hands are tied. This burning desire to better provide for her clients prompted her to start her own events management agency. After much consideration and with the support of her husband, Brett Han, icube events pte ltd was birthed on 18 October 2012!

Leveraging on her years of involvement in the industry, icube events was able to craft uniquely sophisticated events that are highly attuned to her client’s requirements. Irene strongly believes in working with clients as partners, instead of as a client-vendor relationship, and she derives immense satisfaction from seeing an event evolve from a simple concept to an elaborate affair. As time passed, it became not just a job but a true passion: the one love that cannot be let go.

Till this day, Irene and her team frequently practise the quote that she always says “We need to form close personal relationships with our clients, creating a bond of trust and reliability that will serve both parties well in our professional and personal interactions.”

More About Irene...

icube events_project director irene lim lego

Irene recently attended a trade event in Melbourne (AIME 2020). During the event, she had the opportunity to attend a Lego Serious play workshop where the attendees are posted questions and they have to formulate their answers by using Lego pieces.

This particular model was Irene’s answer to the question of “Who I am and the journey I am going through”. Irene explained that while many people see her as being on the ivory tower with so much achievement in work and personal life, being the top hat in every aspect, Irene sees herself still balancing on a humble block and continuously fishing for knowledge and learning new things (as can be seen on the fishing rope on the figure’s hand). Be it being a leader of the company or mother to her kids, learning is never-ending.

icube events_project director irene lim baking

Irene’s passion is cooking and baking. This passion grew when the kids came along the way and Irene wanted to provide them with a balanced diet while allowing them to eat what they love!

icube events_project director irene lim food

Irene’s favourite food is the Scissors curry rice and Durian! To many people, the rice looks disgusting but for Irene, the messier it is the better it tastes!